
Master these techniques and you’ll be transforming your lawn and upping your home’s curb appeal in no time.

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What to Consider When Preparing Your Site for a Build

Before you can start building a cabin or home, you need to prepare the site. Here are the steps for...

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10 Best Full Sun Perennials that Thrive in Sunny Spots

Have a sunny spot where you could use a bright splash of color? Start with these 10 popular sun-loving perennials.

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Best Landscaping Plants for Around a Pool

Add ambiance, color and fragrance to your pool surroundings. These plants help make any poolscape attractive and inviting.

10 Dwarf Trees for Your Backyard

Dwarf trees offer beauty and edible fruit without taking up much yard space. Learn what dwarf trees are and discover...

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Hillside Landscaping Ideas for a Sloped Yard

Take advantage of a steep or hilly yard with these gorgeous landscaping ideas.

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Tips for Growing and Caring for Hydrangeas

With their big, bold blooms and an appreciation for afternoon shade, hydrangeas are a well-loved showstopper. Here's how to care...

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How to Plant and Grow a Magnolia Tree

Magnolia trees feature spectacular spring flowers, beautiful leaves and are easy to care for. See if one of the 200...

How to Split Hostas

Splitting hostas will make for a healthier plant and will propagate new plants. Here's when, and how, you split hostas.

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8 Types of Spruce Trees for Your Yard

Spruce up your landscape! With cold-weather hardiness, evergreen beauty and a range of sizes and shapes, there's a spruce tree...

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Ideas for Landscaping With Potted Plants

Potted plants add interest, color and height to your outdoor space. Check out these chic Instagramable ideas for landscaping with...

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How To Plant and Grow a River Birch Tree

The river birch tree supplies excellent summer shade, beautiful foliage spring through fall and a stunning winter display. Here's how...

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What Is Purslane Weed and How Do I Get Rid of It?

The "comeback kid" of lawn weeds, purslane weed frustrates with its wily ability to bounce back just when you think...

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10 Small Plants for Landscaping

Looking for the best small plants for landscaping? Here are some ideas that will have your yard looking good from...

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How to Plant and Grow a Tulip Tree

Tulip trees offer year-round shade, beautiful flowers and stunning fall foliage. Consider growing this ornamental tree if it thrives in...

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10 Tall Outdoor Plants for Landscaping

Mixing plants of varying sizes and textures is an easy way to add visual interest to any yard.

The Most Essential Products for New Homeowners

From cleaning supplies to tools, here's a list of everything you'll need for your new home.

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Japanese Maple Tree Care: Planting and Growing Tips

The Japanese maple tree boasts year-round beauty with a wide range of colors. Considering adding one of these trees to...

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When Should I Fertilize My Lawn?

The more you know, the more your grass will grow. Here are the best ways to maximize your lawn fertilization...

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20 Home Renovations That Instantly Increase Your Home Value

These are the top renovations that increase home value. Some are easy and inexpensive updates that you can do over...

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How to Make Your House Look Expensive in 20 Inexpensive Ways

Whether you're looking to fix up your home to put it on the market or just want to bring some...

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14 Weekend Projects that Add to Home Value

Not every project has to be big (or extremely expensive) to add value to your home. These done-in-a-weekend projects, for...

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How to Create the Ultimate Hummingbird Habitat in Your Backyard

The key to the tiny flier’s heart is through its stomach. Make your backyard a sugar-water hot spot with these...

10 Best Home Improvement Projects Under $250

A little can go a long way when it comes to home improvements. For just $250 you can make some...

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10 Flower Border Ideas and Designs

These playful colors, sophisticated greens and pleasing textures make gorgeous designs with eye-catching flower borders.

When Should You Start Mowing Your Lawn in the Spring?

Keep these considerations in mind before deciding when to cut grass for the first time in spring.

10 Scary Yard Decorations for Halloween

Give your home's facade a haunted makeover with these truly terrifying Halloween yard decorations.

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8 Flowers That Attract Hummingbirds

Readers captured energetic birds zipping through their gardens. These nectar-rich blooms keep them buzzing back for more.

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Should You Cut Wet Grass After it Rains?

We address the age-old dilemma of whether to cut wet grass or wait until it dries.

12 Backyard Relaxation Ideas to Add to Your Yard

From romantic furniture to soothing fountains, these backyard relaxation ideas are major inspiration for those seeking serenity.