
Learn how to plant a garden, build a raised bed garden and find the right tool for your job with the help of our gardening experts.

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Why You Should Be Pruning Your Trees and Shrubs Right Now

For most deciduous trees and shrubs, winter is the best time for pruning. Plants are dormant and bare, so it’s easier...

50 Hints for Planning Your Best Garden Ever

Build a spectacular garden this year with these amazing garden tips and hints.

Build a Garden Archway

Make this charming metal garden arch climber from $25 of steel-no welding required!

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How to Build a Rain Garden in Your Yard

It's a beautiful flower bed—and a reservoir for yard and roof runoff

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How to Build a Wooden Walkway

Create a boardwalk in your back yard

10 Wildflowers For Gardens

Wildflowers are tough enough to withstand trying conditions, yet bold enough to attract the pollinators they need to reproduce. Try...

How to Save Pumpkin Seeds for Planting in the Spring

How to save pumpkin seeds to plant next year

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How to Build a Simple, Stunning Garden Arch

A small project that makes a big impression in your backyard

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12 Best Gardening Tools

Gardening is easier, more productive and, well, just a lot more fun when you have the best gardening tools at...

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How to Use a Fertilizer Spreader

This must-have lawn tool spreads everything you need for a healthy, attractive lawn.

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24 Tips for Turning a Shed Into a Tiny House

If you have a storage shed in your backyard, it can be converted into a usable, livable space where you...

11 Air-Purifying Plants for a Healthy Home

According to NASA's Clean Air Study, these air-purifying plants—all of them very common and easy to find—are great at getting...

8 Fall Landscaping Myths You Need to Stop Believing

When the air turns crisp and the leaves turn brown, many people's thoughts turn to bonfires, apple cider and Halloween....

10 Seriously Cool Succulents That Make Great Houseplants

If you're looking for some eccentric, low-maintenance plants to keep you company indoors, look no further than succulents. Here are...

4 Easy Ways to Dress Up a Cheap Planter

Great outdoor planters don't need to be expensive. We've got you covered with five effortless ways to create decorative cheap...

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7 Greenhouses For Your Backyard

A little retreat for the botanist, these greenhouse hideaways will make you and your plants happy.

10 Landscaping Plants You (Probably) Can’t Kill

If you're looking to add some color and life to your yard, but have a history of killing every plant...

12 Ingenious Gardening and Yard Tool Storage Tips

These smart ideas will help you prep for a no-clutter yard work season.

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What a Hummingbird Home Looks Like

Zoom in on one of these teeny-tiny nests and 
take a tour of its artful structure.

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Hummingbirds Love This Plant

Grow this nectar-rich salvia to feed more hummingbirds.

10 Seriously Useful Gardening Tips Every Beginner Needs to Know

Gardening is more rewarding when your efforts meet with success. These gardening tips will help make that happen.

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9 Expert Tips for Attracting Hummingbirds to Your Backyard

Attracting hummingbirds is easy when you start thinking like a hummingbird! Experts Kenn and Kimberly Kaufman explain what these birds...

5-Gallon Bucket Hack: Better Tree Watering

This 5-gallon bucket hack will slice your time doing yard work

How to Grow Grapes in the Home Garden

Whether growing them for healthy snacking or craft wine making, grapes have a place in the home landscape. Here's a...

Why You Should Consider Creating a Garden Bed Edging

Garden beds can be fun to plant and tend, but as soon as unwanted plants invade, the battle begins. Your...

Blow Out Your Hoses

Make sure all the water in your garden hose really is gone before storing it.

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10 Best Plants for a Rain Garden

When you plant a rain garden, you do your part for the environment, filtering runoff and protecting groundwater. Pick the...

Homeowner’s Guide to a Weed-Free Landscape

Don't let your landscape get overtaken by weeds this season! We've got solutions for banishing even the most troublesome invaders,...

10 Flowering Shrubs for Your Garden

If you're going to invest the money, time and valuable garden space in shrubs, you may as well make sure...