
Learn how to plant a garden, build a raised bed garden and find the right tool for your job with the help of our gardening experts.

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10 Amazing Backyard Compost Products

Compost is a wonderful soil conditioner, fertilizer and tonic for your garden. And best of all, you can make it...

How To Build a Compost Bin Out of Pallets

Turn your yard waste into gold by building this compost bin from recycled wood pallets!

7 Non-Toxic Ways to Keep Slugs and Snails Out of Your Garden

They're slimy, slithery and such a nuisance. See how you can keep slugs and snails from running roughshod over your...

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8 Ways to Use Dryer Lint in Your Backyard and Garden

Dryer lint should be collected after each load of laundry to prevent a fire hazard. Here are some good uses...

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11 Worst Garden Pests and How to Get Rid of Them

They may be cute, but birds and mammals can wreak havoc in your garden. Here are some of the most...

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This Penny Hack Will Save Your Plants from Blight

Don't let the blight that caused the Irish Potato Famine wipe out your home garden. A copper penny might provide...

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These Plants Will Keep Bugs Out of Your Garden

Not everyone is comfortable spraying or sprinkling pest repellents in their yard. If you're in this camp, try these plants...

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How to Grow and Care for Hostas

Shade-loving hostas add lushness, color and volume to your garden. Follow these tips for getting the most out of landscaping...

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10 Vegetables You Should Start Indoors

Even if you're stuck inside you can still start preparing for your vegetable garden. Here are 10 veggies that work...

Top Tips for Arranging Indoor Plants

Once you know how to arrange indoor plants, you'll see how they can bring life and joy to every room...

How to Care For Christmas Flowers

Give gifts that keep on giving this year. Here's how to care for the most popular Christmas flowers.

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How to Install an Outdoor Faucet

Stop lugging around that hose

22 Genius Gardening Hacks You’ll Be Glad You Know

Work smarter, not harder - spend more time enjoying your garden this year!

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How to Get Rid of Thistle Weeds for Good

Here's what to know about evicting those prickly intruders from your yard, plus when to let them be.

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Where Do Hummingbirds Live In the Winter?

Learn more about where hummingbirds spend their winters and their migration patterns on the Family Handyman.

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10 Crazy Things You Didn’t Know About Bees

Think you know everything there is to know about bees? Guess again.

How to Cut Marble

Marble is a timeless material, but cutting it can be daunting. Luckily, it doesn't have to be. Follow this easy...

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What Plants Do Hummingbirds Love Most?

How to attract hummingbirds from spring until autumn by planting these seven beautiful and valuable plants in your backyard and...

25 Money-Saving Hints for Your Lawn and Garden

Get creative with these tips and save money in the garden, from sowing seeds and watering plants to protecting your...

How to Fix a Hose Spraying Water From the Vacuum Breaker

A worn-out vacuum breaker is usually the culprit

10 Pretty Purple Flowers That’ll Make Your Garden Pop

Add a splash of purple to your landscape with some bountiful blooms. Whether you're looking for annuals or perennials, here...

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DIY Outdoor Storage Cabinet

A little garden and lawn mower shed that spells big relief for a...

10 Enchanting Fairy Garden Kits

It doesn't matter if you're looking to lure magical fairies or just want to add some fun to your garden,...

Companion Planting: Why You Should Grow These Plants Side-by-Side

Part science and part folklore, companion planting has long been used by gardeners, who pair specific plants for their mutual...

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10 Incredible Hummingbird Species You Could See in Your Backyard

Some 350 hummingbird species make their home in North and South America. Brightly colored and incredibly fast, these tiny birds...

10 Flower Bed Ideas for Full Sun

You can have a beautiful garden without a lot of work. As proof, here are 10 ideas for full sun flower...

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10 Raised Flower Bed Ideas

Raised flower beds are a great option, no matter what your outdoor space looks like. Raised bed gardening is not...

10+ Tips to Help You Grow a Great Raised Bed Garden

Here's everything you need to elevate your harvest with a raised bed garden. Watch your garden flourish!

What Is a Moon Garden And How You Can Start One?

Moon gardens are enchanting beds made up of white or pale hued flowers that bloom late in the day.