10 Nice Ideas for Welcoming New Neighbors

Updated Dec. 01, 2023

You have new neighbors and want to welcome them to the neighborhood, but you don't want to overwhelm them. Here are 10 friendly, but not intrusive, ideas for welcoming new neighbors.

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Welcome your new neighbors with this custom zip code tea towel, which is pre-washed, 100% cotton, lint-free, and made by Custom Tee Co. in Massachusetts.

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Davizro Photography/Shutterstock

Bring Over Snacks

While it’s smart to be conscious about dietary and allergy concerns whenever you bring over food, some simple grab-and-go snacks will be appreciated by new neighbors. Try a basket with fruit, some chips, granola bars and waters.

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Invite Them Over

Once they get settled, invite the new neighbors over for a backyard barbecue, dinner party or even an ice cream night. If you have a close-knit neighborhood, considering inviting other neighbors to give everyone the chance to meet.

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Give a Seasonal Gift

Is it spring? Give your new neighbors some fresh-cut tulips and don’t forget the vase as theirs may still be packed away. Give neighbors some fresh produce from your garden or the local farmers market. In the fall, bring over a pumpkin for their front step. If it’s the holiday season, a simple wreath makes a nice new neighbor gift.

Try one of these 15 stunning living wreath ideas for a welcoming gift.

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Iakov Filimonov/Shutterstock

Tell Them Insider Tips

“Honestly in a new place, I want information. Where’s the good breakfast place? Non-chain coffee? Is the closest library the best or should I go to another branch,” noted one reddit user. Make an information packet with your favorite restaurants, entertainment venues, nearby parks, information on trash and recycling days and the nearest grocery store. All this information will come in handy when they are getting to know their new neighborhood.

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Offer Help with Yard Work

Yard work is probably the last thing on their mind as your new neighbors unpack. Offer to mow the lawn. If it’s winter, shovel or snow blow their driveway and sidewalk. They’ll likely return the favor when you need it most.

These 13 great tips will help new homeowners and first-time home buyers.

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Keep Kids Occupied

Do your new neighbors have kids? Bring over an activity basket with crayons, coloring books, puzzles, a DVD or some games to keep kids occupied while the adults unpack. Offer to set up a play date with some other kids in the neighborhood to help the new youngsters make friends.

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Joanna Dorota/Shutterstock

Sidewalk Chalk Greeting

Get a bucket of sidewalk chalk and write a welcoming message on their sidewalk. Leave the chalk there for others to draw a picture of write a message of their own to the new neighbors.

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intanggifts_370591844 bringing over food hotdish

Food Makes Everyone Happy

If you feel comfortable asking about food preferences, go ahead and then make your new neighbors a casserole, some cookies or a pie, if that’s acceptable. Gift cards for food delivery services would also come in handy while unpacking in underway.

If you’re doing any of these 20 things, you’re probably driving your neighbors nuts.

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Iakov Filimonov/Shutterstock

Give Them Space

Your new neighbors may be tied up for a couple of weeks as they get settled. So stop by to introduce yourself and offer your help, but don’t bombard them. Give them some time, then reach out in a month or so to let them know you’re looking forward to getting to know them. A nice card welcoming them to the neighborhood with your contact information goes a long way toward being a good neighbor without going overboard.