Rooms of the Home

Make every room of your home reflect your personal style and aesthetic preference with all the best ideas, designs and common repairs.

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    8 Best Garage Door Colors and How To Choose One

    Your garage door color influences your home's overall curb appeal. We asked experts what the most popular colors are, and...

    8 Garage Wall Ideas to Enhance Your Space

    Typically, garage walls are not what you'd call inspiring. So we did some digging and discovered they don't have to...

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    Perm Press vs. Normal Cycle: What’s the Difference?

    Confused by your washer settings? Me, too. Let's bring in a washing machine expert to set us straight.

    The Best Washer and Dryer Pedestals for Your Laundry Room

    Pedestals for your washer and dryer, also called risers, can raise the utility of your laundry room by adding space...

    8 Small Laundry Room Ideas With a Top-Loading Washer

    Make the most of your limited laundry room space with these creative storage and decor ideas.

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    How to Check for Bed Bugs in a Hotel

    Follow these tips to ensure you don't bring unwanted guests home.

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    Do You Know What Toxic Materials Are Hiding in Your Laundry Room?

    It may feel like the cleanest place in the house, but your laundry room is likely full of health hazards,...

    10 Unique Ways to Personalize Your Laundry Room

    Make your laundry room a place where you actually want to spend time!

    How To Build Bunk Beds

    A perfect solution for the kids' room or the cabin! Here's an easy, affordable bunk bed you can make in...

    How To Hang a Porch Swing

    Want to swing your afternoon away in the warm breeze? Here's how to set up your porch swing in no...

    Can You Paint a Bathtub?

    Learn what the pros have to say about painting your bathtub during a bathroom remodel. Explore options and tips to...

    What Temperature Should I Wash White Clothes In?

    Do you swear by hot, or are you a cold water fan? A laundry expert weighs in — you might...

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    How Much Does Garage Door Spring Replacement Cost?

    Get the lowdown on how much it costs to replace garage door springs, if you can repair them, and if...

    8 Garage Conversion Ideas To Improve Your Home

    If you're outgrowing the current square footage of your home, look to your garage as a possible source of expansion.

    8 Garage Lighting Ideas to Illuminate Your Space

    Light up the interior and exterior of your garage with these simple and stylish ideas.

    5 Best Washer and Dryer Bundles Under $1,500—Yes, Really

    The best washing machines (and their matching dryers) for under $1,500 will boost your laundry game without breaking your budget.

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    Are Sliding Garage Doors the Best Option for You?

    Why are slide-to-the-side garage doors becoming popular? Because they're easy to operate and provide overhead space in the garage.

    8 Transformative Garage Floor Epoxy Colors

    Upgrade your garage floor from dingy to classy with the perfect garage floor epoxy color.

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    How To Properly Treat Garage Door Rust

    Got a rusty garage door that's now an eyesore? I'll explain how to deal with it so you've got a...

    What Are the Standard Garage Door Sizes?

    If you're building a new garage or renovating an existing one, you can save by making the door opening a...

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    What To Do If Your Garage Door Opens By Itself

    Is your garage door mysteriously opening? Here are common sources for this problem, along with easy, DIY troubleshooting steps.

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    Faux Wood Garage Doors: Pros and Cons

    If you don't have the budget for a wood garage door, and garage door maintenance isn't your thing, you're a...

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    6 Garage Door Bottom Seal Types

    Think of the bottom seal as weatherstripping for your garage door. It keeps out cold air and rain and maintains...

    The 6 Best Garage Door Openers, Including Basic and Fancier Models

    The best garage door openers are more than just convenient—the latest generation of models will suit your security needs.

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    Wood Garage Doors: What To Consider Before Buying

    Wood garage doors have been around since the early days of the automobile. Depending on type and style, a wood...

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    11 Laundry Room Flooring Options

    Durability trumps appearance in laundry room flooring, but there's no reason you can't have a durable floor that also looks...

    The 8 Best Pegboard Accessories for an Extra-Organized Workspace

    Is your garage as tidy as it could be? Probably not, but that could all be changed with the right...

    Why You Should Not Put Fabric Softener in Your Toilet Tank, Despite This TikTok Hack

    Unravel the truth behind TikTok's viral fabric softener in the toilet tank hack and discover safer alternatives for a fresh-smelling...

    10 Frighteningly Fun Ways to Decorate Your Porch for Halloween

    Welcome (or scare!) trick-or-treaters with these fun Halloween ideas and DIY projects.