Nothing makes a bad morning worse than a frosted windshield. Hopping into your car when you’re running late, only to be faced with an opaque window covered in ice, is a frustrating experience. Especially because scraping it clean is such a long and arduous process.

Luckily, there’s a super easy trick for how to defrost your car window or windshield in mere seconds, decreasing your wait time and increasing your chances of getting where you need to go on time.

How to Defrost Car Windows Fast

Fill up a spray bottle with one-third water, and two-thirds rubbing alcohol. That’s right—just water and rubbing alcohol. And it works like absolute magic. Keep the filled spray bottle in your car so you can use it on the go.

Why does water and alcohol work so well? Rubbing alcohol has a much lower freezing point than water (128 degrees Fahrenheit below 0), so it speeds up the melting process and prevents the surface from icing up in the future.

Another solution is to use kitty litter on your dashboard. Sounds weird right? If you fill up a sock with kitty litter and leave it in your car, it will suck up any moisture and prevent frost from collecting on your windshield.

RELATED: Here are some things to lubricate in your car for winter.