The next time you hit up a salad bar for lunch, save the plastic clamshell container. It can be reused as a mini greenhouse for starting seeds in the spring.

When you’re finished with your lunch, wash the container thoroughly. Use an awl and hammer to punch a few small holes in the top part of the container for airflow. Then fill the bottom half with potting mix or your own special seed-starting soil. Plant your seeds, spreading them out in the container as suggested on the seed packet. Give the seeds a small drink of water and close the lid. Place the container in a sunny spot, and patiently wait for your seeds to sprout!

The clear plastic container acts like a greenhouse, allowing the sun and warmth to reach the plants while holding in moisture.

punching holes in plastic clamshell container from salad bar

planting seeds in plastic clamshell container

seedlings growing in plastic clamshell container from salad bar