
Making sure you know everything there is to know about the electrical, heating and cooling systems in your home.

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    8 Best Basement Lighting Ideas for a Remodel

    Brighten a dark basement with these lighting ideas for every budget.

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    What to Know About Upgrading Your Light Fixtures

    Old light fixtures can be real eye-catchers, but their incandescent bulbs aren't energy efficient. Here's how to fix that.

    Hallway Lighting and Fixtures Ideas for Welcoming Spaces

    Find out how to make your hallway brighter and more welcoming with these stylish lighting ideas.

    How Long Do Sump Pumps Last?

    Sump pumps reliably last from seven to 10 years, but often much longer with maintenance. Be sure to monitor your...

    How To Test Sump Pumps

    Don't be surprised by a sump pump failure. Here's an easy tutorial on how to test your sump pump to...

    How Much Is a Sump Pump?

    By itself, a sump pump isn't a major investment, costing about as much as a good juicer. The bulk of...

    How To Buy a Heat Pump in 2024

    New energy incentives make this a great time to install or upgrade a heat pump.

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    A Guide To Pipe Fittings and How To Use Them

    If you're doing a plumbing installation or repair, you'll need to buy pipe and pipe fittings. Here's some help figuring...

    How To Choose Between a Heat Pump vs. a Furnace

    Federal incentives and state regulations weigh heavily in favor of heat pumps these days, but a heat pump may not...

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    What Are Infrared Space Heaters and How Do They Work?

    Is an infrared space heater right for your space? We've talked to some experts to summarize what they are, how...

    Underground Wiring: A Pro Answers Your Key Questions

    Here are some important things you need to know about underground wiring so it's safe and provides many years of...

    Why Are Heating Bills Increasing This Winter?

    Natural gas, electricity, propane, heating oil. Whatever fuel you use, heating bills are going up this winter. Here's what the...

    Everything You Need to Know About Geothermal Heat Pumps

    Geothermal heat pumps are one of the most efficient ways to heat and cool your home. Is it the right...

    3 Types of Kitchen Track Lighting

    Tired of cooking in the dark? Kitchen track lighting provides multiple light sources, without the hassle of installing multiple fixtures.

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    Here’s How to Keep Pipes From Freezing This Winter

    Preventing frozen pipes is easy. Repairing the damage from frozen pipes that burst is not.

    How To Get Blueprints of Your House

    The original blueprints of your home aren't just a cool thing to have. They're required for many types of building...

    Light Bulb Recycling Guide

    You can recycle those old light bulbs, but there are a few important things to know before you toss them...

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    How To Wire a Four-Way Switch

    Did you know slips, trips and falls are some of the most common home safety hazards? Say goodbye to stubbed...

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    Does Bulb Wattage Determine Brightness?

    It's a common misconception that a bulb's wattage is the only factor in its brightness. So if you've been buying...

    What To Know About Burying Underground Electrical Cable

    Running electric power to a garage or garden pond? Learn about code requirements, trench depth options, conduit material and types...

    Best Tank Style or Tankless Under-Sink Water Heaters and How To Buy

    Tired of wasting water while you're waiting for it to get hot? Put an end to that problem by installing...

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    How to Get Tax Credits and Rebates to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

    How to finesse your home's energy efficiency by using the new rebates and tax incentives for HVAC, solar and more.

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    Solar Panel Maintenance Guide

    From droughts to blizzards, here's how to keep your residential solar panels performing at their peak.

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    What To Know About Solar Batteries

    Solar battery technology has advanced in leaps and bounds in recent years. Here's what makes a battery a solar battery.

    Guide To Water Storage Tanks

    Water storage tanks are the backbone of a well pump system. They can be metal or plastic, pressurized or not,...

    Homeowner’s Guide To Well Water Testing

    How to initiate well water testing, what contaminants to test for and other safety tips.

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    Homeowner’s Guide To Irrigation Systems

    You can irrigate your lawn or garden with an automated sprinkler or drip system. Sprinklers irrigate more widely, but they...

    What Is a Cistern Water System?

    Has your interest in alternative water systems made you ask, what is a cistern? Read on to learn about this...

    Should You Turn Off Your Air Conditioner When You Leave Home?

    A recent study has the answer, and it's more complicated that a simple "yes" or "no." It depends on several...