
It’s always exciting to buy a new car, but the actual buying process can be quite the project. Before even test-driving cars you have to research cars, look at different dealerships, compare prices, and potentially negotiate for a cheaper sum. But thanks to the Costco auto program, these are things you’ll no longer have to worry about.

Pro tip: If you love to DIY, you should be buying these 10 things at Costco.

If you have a membership, you are also a member of the Costco auto program, which helps you purchase a wide variety of vehicles, either new or used. The Costco car buying program even offers recreational vehicles, mobility vehicles, motorcycles, and even parts (or service) for anything you might need. Not only that, but you can experience some serious savings with Costco’s special offers.

Costco’s vehicle program database saves you time

Instead of looking at multiple websites or contacting different dealerships, the Costco car buying program puts all of that information in one place. Once you enter in your zip code, you can browse the type of car you want and choose the dealer from there. Once chosen, you can actually compare prices of the different models side-by-side. The Costco vehicle purchase program will save you a ton of time when comparing vehicles, letting you know which car is the best bang for your buck.

Costco auto program only chooses dealerships it trusts

In an interview with Business Insider, Rick Borg (a senior executive for the Costco Auto Program) explained how the Costco auto program chooses dealerships based on “prices, customer satisfaction index scores, and reputations on social media.” Although Costco is limited to the geographic area, it does try to present customers with the best possible buying experience from trusted dealerships.

The prices have already been negotiated in the Costco auto program

If you’re not a fan of negotiating, Costco’s auto program is probably the right choice. Costco already negotiates prices for you! No need to worry about getting the lowest possible price.

Unless you’re a fool like me who didn’t even think about negotiating a price, chances are you’ll want to get your car at a discounted rate through the Costco car buying program.

Costco auto program helps even after the purchase

Before and after that car purchase, Costco will be by your side. Costco ensures that customers are satisfied with the Costco auto program, and will always be a mediator between the dealership if need be. So if you’re nervous about making this huge purchase, The Costco auto program will help you with difficult parts of the car-buying process.

Now that you have a car, here’s why you need to start buying gas at Costco as well.