
Learn how to plant a garden, build a raised bed garden and find the right tool for your job with the help of our gardening experts.

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How to Build a Modern Water Fountain

Create a calming and relaxing environment right in your backyard with this modern water curtain.

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12 Shrubs for Full Sun

If your garden is full of sun, many great shrubs will love it, producing fabulous flowers and interesting berries.

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How To Grow Lavender

There are many good reasons to grow lavender. Bees love it. It smells great. And it will grow in a...

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11 Organic Gardening Tips for Beginners

What's the trick to ditching synthetic chemicals and fertilizers? Use the power of nature to boost your organic garden's resilience.

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8 Best Types of Azaleas for Your Garden

The Azalea Society of America says there are more than 10,000 registered varieties of azaleas. Find the right one for...

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How to Build a Vertical Garden

Time to grow up with these plans for a vertical garden.

This Hack Will Instantly Elevate Your Fake House Plants

Your faux plants can look so much prettier! This TikToker shows you how to make fake plants look real with...

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What Are GMOs? What To Know

Soon gardeners might have to decide whether or not to go GMO. Here's what you need to know to make...

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10 Best Evergreen Shrubs

Evergreen shrubs can add year-round beauty to your yard and garden. Which type will you plant this spring?

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10 Spring Container Garden Ideas

These gorgeous spring container garden ideas show off an explosion of color and texture while celebrating warmer weather and boosting...

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Guide To Growing Tiger Lilies

For a pop of orange in the middle of summer, plant a tiger lily, which is easy to grow and...

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Guide To Ranunculus Care

Ranunculus flowers aren't just for florist's bouquets. You can grow them, too. Here's how.

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30 Types of Weeds and How to ID Them

Meet the most common botanical interlopers you're likely to find in your garden or vegetable patch, and learn how to...

17 Gifts for Gardeners Guaranteed to Please

The best gifts for gardeners are more than practical, they’re artful. Impress anyone with a green thumb with...

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10 Types of Lilies To Grow in Your Garden

There are so many types of lilies, it can be hard to choose. Here's help deciding which ones will grow...

Edge out the Competition with the Sharpal Knife Sharpener for Lawn Mower Blades (and Much More)

The Sharpal Knife Sharpener makes your life easier—it sharpens lawn mower blades, knives and tools quickly.

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10 Green Flowers To Grow in Your Garden

Green flowers are not common. Plant them in your gardens as eye-catching stunners that blend in beautifully with the rest...

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What Is a Keystone Plant and How Does It Support Wildlife?

Keystone plants nurture an incredible amount of bird, insect and wildlife diversity. Here's why these ecosystem heroes should be in...

How to Grow Elephant Garlic

This trendy allium is easy to grow and delicious to cook with.

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How To Convert Your Lawn and Garden To Be Organic

Organic lawn care might seem overwhelming, but it's actually pretty simple and affordable to convert your yard or garden. Here's...

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How To Care for Begonias

Whether you garden for flowers or foliage, learn how to care for begonias and you'll enjoy gardening success.

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How To Find Good Deals on Native Plants

Native plants are beneficial to birds, bees and ecosystems. They're also often cheap or even free. Here's how to find...

The 6 Best Pole Saws to Trim Your Trees and Shrubs

Use this list of the best pole saw picks to ensure your tree pruning tasks are completed quickly and safely.

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How To Grow Dahlias

Dahlias are becoming more popular each year as gardeners discover the many varieties available. If you love flowers, you'll find...

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Garden Soil vs. Potting Soil: What’s the Difference?

Soils aren't all alike. You'll be less discombobulated in garden stores if you know how garden soil differs from potting...

Is It Safe to Plant Climbing Vines On Your House?

Vines on house exteriors can look beautiful, but some can be problematic. Learn which vines will grow best on your...

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What To Know About Mini Vegetables

If you have a sunny outdoor spot, a place to put a big container and a little time, you can...

How to Make an Eco-Friendly Succulent Yard

Save water and money with these charming, low-maintenance plants.

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Try These Mini Vegetables and Fruits in Your Garden This Year

Whether you have space for a big garden or not, growing mini vegetables is fun and easy. Plus, you get...