
Making sure you know everything there is to know about the electrical, heating and cooling systems in your home.

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    How to Repair a Cut Extension Cord

    For this extension cord wiring repair, all you need is a new plug!

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    Fishing Electrical Wire Through Walls

    Run electrical cable through walls and across ceilings without tearing them apart by fishing wire

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    How to Heat Your House When the Power Goes Out

    Heating systems need power. Even natural gas, propane and oil furnaces often use electricity for ignition, power dampers, fans or...

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    5 Furnace Filter Myths You’ll Want to Know

    Negligent about replacing your furnace filter regularly? It's costing you clean indoor air and extra money on utility bills, unnecessary...

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    How to Connect a PVC Pipe to ABS Pipe

    This is the best way to connect these two types of pipes

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    Replace a Broken Dryer Vent Cap

    Install a new dryer vent cover in about 30 minutes.

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    Dryer Lint Cleaning Tips

    Clean lint from the dryer exhaust duct quickly and easily

    How to Fix a Chip in the Sink

    How to make an almost invisible repair

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    What’s the Difference Between Pink, Yellow and Green Insulation?

    The difference between pink, yellow and green insulation.

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    14 Toilet Problems You Should Never Ignore

    If you spot these troubles with your toilet, don't wait around for them to go away.

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    13 Plumbing Tricks of the Trade for Weekend Plumbers

    More than any other type of home improvement job, plumbing can drive a DIYer crazy. Problems arise, projects grow, frustrations...

    9 Air Conditioner Myths You Really Need to Stop Believing

    No, your air conditioner is not going to give you a cold. Learn what other AC myths you can stop...

    What is a Zip-It Drain Cleaning Tool and Why Do You Need One?

    The Zip-It drain tool is a thin stick of flexible plastic with tiny barbs up and down the sides and...

    DIY Dictionary: Access Panel

    An access panel or plumbing access door is a door, panel or piece of plywood that can be easily removed...

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    How to Avoid Snakes Slithering Up Your Toilet

    Snakes know how to slither into some pretty unusual spaces—your toilet being one of them! Here's how to get rid...

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    How To Clean an Air Conditioner Completely

    This central air conditioner maintenance guide helps you get lower cooling bills while staying comfortable in summer.

    How to Strip Wire

    Tools and tricks to help you master the basics of how to strip wire

    Replacing Baseboard Heaters Are Easier Than You Think

    Revamping the baseboard heater can make a huge improvement.

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    Installing PVC Conduit

    It's cheap, easy and lightweight

    Here’s Where You Shouldn’t Install Your AC

    If your AC is anywhere on this list, you need to change the location ASAP.

    This Tool Makes Twisting Wires So Much Easier

    Try twisting wires with this handy tool

    Aluminum Wiring Can Be Hazardous, Here’s What to do About It

    Your home might have aluminum wiring and you need to know what to do if it's there

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    How to Use Pocket Change to Determine Wire Sizes

    If you’re adding an outlet, you need to use wire the same gauge as the existing wiring. How do you...

    Why Plastic PEX Fittings are Just as Good (If Not Better) Than Metal

    If you’re concerned about using plastic fittings instead of metal for PEX, worry no more. Professional plumbers are buying three...

    Sneaky Culprit of a Wet Bathroom Floor

    As a longtime plumber, I always try to investigate as many possible causes as I can before leaving a job,...