Heating and Cooling Systems

Here’s all the information you need to know about the heating and cooling systems in your home.

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The Pros and Cons of Constantly Running Your HVAC Fan

These are the pros and cons of continuously running your HVAC.

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10 Tips to Survive a Blackout

A power outage is more than an inconvenience; it can lead to expensive repairs and may even be dangerous to...

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13 Silent Signs Your Furnace Needs Repair

If your furnace is beginning to show signs that it's struggling to keep up with maintaining a comfortable temperature, you'd...

Why Are Some Rooms in My House Hotter (Or Colder) Than Others?

Heating and cooling systems in a home are complicated. Learn more about making sure your AC system is balanced here.

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Why You Shouldn’t Use Extension Cords for Space Heaters

Heating is the second leading cause of house fires (behind cooking), according to the National Safety Council. In most cases,...

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Save Money by Insulating Crawl Space Ducts

Special duct wrap insulation keeps ducts dry and mold-free

What to Know About Ductless Mini Splits

Whether you’re finishing a basement area, adding new space or just upgrading your home’s HVAC system, you owe it to...

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5 Heating Myths You Really Need to Stop Believing

We debunk some pretty common myths about what does and doesn't heat a house efficiently.

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Winter Checklist: 25 Things Every Homeowner Should Get Done Right Now

You’ll definitely regret not checking these items off of your to-do list BEFORE winter arrives.

Round Ductwork Installation Tips

Installing ductwork isn't hard when you have these expert tips.

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Noisy Gas Fireplace Blower? Here’s How to Replace it

A professional fireplace service company charges about $400 to do the job (parts and labor). But you can replace the...

The 10 Best Air Purifiers for Every Room in Your House, According to a Microbiologist

Breathe easy! We've found the best air purifiers to use throughout your home.

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Weird Furnace Smells? This Could be Why!

Here's how to determine if it a minor or major problem.

HVAC Troubleshooting: 12 Things to Check Before Calling a Pro

When your air conditioning, heating or ventilation systems go on the fritz, it can seem like you’ll have to put...

9 Ways to Hide an Air Conditioner Outside

As long as you don't block the air flow and you make sure the AC unit is accessible, covering that...

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10 Vital Home Maintenance Tasks You’ll Regret If You Forget

You probably already have a home maintenance checklist: Replace the furnace filter each season, shut off water spigots before...

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Home Air Cooling Tips

Six strategies for keeping your home cool

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Are Space Heaters Safe? 10 Things to Know

When the temperature drops, a portable space heater can be a convenient source of supplemental heat for your home. One...

Are Smart Thermostats Worth It?

Today's smart thermostats aren't just control panels for your heating and air conditioning. These thermostats are equipped with Wi-Fi, sensors,...

HVAC Maintenance Inspection Checklist: Is Your Air Conditioner Ready for Summer?

When it gets hot outside, you want it to be nice and cool inside your home. Use this handy checklist...

AC Making Loud Noise: How to Quiet a Noisy Air Conditioner

Solutions depend on the age of the condenser

How to Fix a Sinking Air Conditioner Concrete Pad

Rescuing a sinking air conditioner pad before it goes under

What to Know Before Buying a Central AC Unit Replacement

The lifespan of most HVAC systems is an average of 10 to 14 years, so you can count on going...

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12 DIY Projects to Keep Your House Warm This Winter

Being cold is not cool. Luckily, with our helpful collection of 12 easy projects, you'll have your home ready for...

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DIY Garage Heater Installation

Follow this DIY garage heater installation guide for a safe experience. Choose a forced-air garage heater or a low-intensity infrared...

12 Natural Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Sometimes you need to freshen the air in your home, but it's too cold to crack a window. Improve your...

New Kitchen Venting: How to Install a Kitchen Fan Vent

Use rigid duct with insulated duct sleeve for an oven exhaust fan.

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30 Spring Cleaning Tasks to Add to Your Checklist

Start thinking of spring cleaning as the calendar turns a page. Develop a plan with these tips on what to...

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12 Things to Do When Daylight Savings Time Begins

Spring Daylight Savings Time is a great reminder that the seasons are just about to change. Here's everything you should...