
These home safety tips will help you keep your family safe during storms, prevent home fires and show you how to work alone safely.

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10 Hazards You Haven’t Thought of at Home

Learn more about the hazards you haven't thought of at home

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5 Ways to Keep Your Food From Spoiling During a Power Outage

These power outage food safety tips keep food from spoiling when you're left in the dark.

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Fire Blocking Basics: What Every Homeowner Needs to Know

Holes and gaps in wall and ceiling cavities allow a fire to spread rapidly. They also allow airflow, which feeds...

12 Unusual Things Postal Carriers See Every Day

There's nothing ever routine about a postal carrier's route from day-to-day. Here are some of the unusual things postal carriers...

10 Property Line Clearance Horror Stories

Revenge is a dish best served with tree chopping, manure and lots of pigs! These property line horror stories take...

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5 Home Remedies to Remove a Splinter

Removing a splinter doesn't have to be so painful. These home remedies will put those tweezer digging days behind you!

21 Things Not to Say While DIYing

DIY work doesn't always go according to plan, but these are some words you definitely don't want to hear during...

8 Things You Should Never Do To Your Grill

Are any of these no-nos part of your grilling routine?

98 Plumbing Goofs and Other Scary Stuff

A plumbing problem is no laughing matter, but it is fun to see the problems before they're solved. Check out...

What’s Wrong With This Picture? Plus a Trick Question

We’ll show you the problem—and the fix.

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10 Things You Should Never Burn in Your Backyard Fire Pit

Keep yourself and your guests stay safe by never burning these 10 items in your backyard fire pit.

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35 Common Home Security Mistakes

These not-so-obvious indicators will make your home a target for thieves.

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11 Things Amazon Won’t Sell Anymore

COVID-19 has forced Amazon to crack down on some problematic products, but the site was halting sales of plenty of...

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10 Hands-Free Driving Devices You Need in Your Car Now

Many states have implemented the hands-free law that prohibits drivers from handling their cell phone while driving. And even if...

9 Most Costly Mistakes in DIY Home Improvement

These DIYers paid the price for their great goofs. Read on for some of the most expensive mistakes in home...

How Much Weight Can a Garage Truss Hold?

As the seasons change, the challenge of indoor storage arises, and the garage becomes a hub for stashing belongings. A...

45 Weird Home Improvement Terms All DIYers Should Know

What the heck are space balls? If you’re updating your kitchen soon, you best find out! Learn about this and...

These Hidden Things in Your Home May Be a Fire Hazard

Keep your family and property safe by being mindful of these hidden fire dangers in your home.

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Fact or Fiction: Is Cheese the Best Bait for Mice?

It may seem natural to bait mouse traps with cheese, but experts say you'll have better luck luring your resident...

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Dryer Vent Fire Hazards: Ways to Minimize the Risk

Dryer vent fires are usually included in the most common types of house fires. But it would be more accurate...

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What Do the Different Types of Winter Storm Warnings Mean?

Keep yourself safe this winter by learning the subtle differences between winter storm advisories, warnings and watches.

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Fact or Fiction: Why Can’t You Put Metal in the Microwave?

Can you really set your microwave on fire? It depends. (And no, you shouldn't try this at home to test...

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15 Things Home Inspectors Wish You Knew

These things home inspectors wish you knew can help sellers prepare for a home sale and make buyers aware of...

The Best Outdoor Security Lights for Your Home

Don't be left in the dark! With the best outdoor security lights you'll know exactly what's going on around your...

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Should You Have Air Quality Monitors in Your Home?

An indoor air quality monitor can detect dangerous gases, chemicals and particulates in your home. Find out how they work...

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What You Need to Know About Egress Windows

To convert your basement into a bedroom, you'll need an egress window. Discover what they are and why they're so...

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The 7 Best Ice Melts to Keep Your Home Safe This Winter

This winter, keep your driveway, walkways and porch safe with a combination of ice melt and regular cleaning.

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5 Best Practices For Contractors Working Alone

If you find yourself working alone on a jobsite, follow these best practices for safety and productivity.

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Why You Should Always Trim Candle Wicks Before Lighting

Here's why the simple step of trimming a candle's wick before lighting will help you maximize the life of your...