
Keep your home sparkling clean inside and out with these projects and tips for a faster and better job.

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    How To Clean Laminate Countertops

    Because laminate holds up quite well and is far less expensive than other countertop surfaces, it has remained a viable...

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    How to Clean a Microfiber Couch

    Find out the best way to remove stains from a microfiber couch, and how you might be making them worse!

    13 Things You Should Never, Ever Vacuum

    Getting out the vacuum may seem like a quick solution for any spill, but some things just aren’t meant to...

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    This Is the Right Way to Clean a Flat Screen TV Safely

    Brush the dust off your TV screen the right way with these tips.

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    How To Clean with Bleach In a Bathroom

    When used correctly, bleach is an effective way to sanitize and clean certain areas of the house. Here's a few...

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    How To Clean Black Spots In the Bathroom

    Find out how to clean black spots in the bathroom with a few supplies and a little elbow grease.

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    10 Cleaning Mistakes That Actually Make Homes Dirtier

    From misusing cleaners to spreading germs, bad cleaning habits are hard to break. Learn how to avoid these common cleaning...

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    5 Mistakes You Keep Making When Cleaning with Bleach

    When it comes to fighting bacteria and germs, bleach can be your ally. However, if you don't use it correctly,...

    Is it Better to Hand Wash Dishes or Use the Dishwasher?

    When it comes to washing dishes—believe it or not—as long as you have a newer model dishwasher, it's better to...

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    Save Time and Money With This Spring Cleaning Guide

    We've created this detailed guide that highlights when and how to begin spring cleaning and everything you need to get...

    13 Top Reviewed Products That Will Help Remove Stains

    Anyone's that spilled wine on their white carpet or dripped ranch dressing on a $120 tie understands the importance of...

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    Best Car Cleaning Tips and Tricks

    Simple ways to get your car clean and looking almost brand new!

    If You Haven’t Been Cleaning With Microfiber Cloths, You Should Be

    You can use a microfiber cloth to remove 99% of bacteria with just water. No chemicals needed!

    The Best Way To Eliminate Garbage Can Odors

    This will make a big difference in your kitchen aroma.

    This Is How Often You Need to Replace Your Kitchen Sponge

    You could clean that old kitchen sponge—but experts agree that it's safer to toss and replace them.

    12 Times You Shouldn’t Use Multi-Purpose Cleaner

    The idea of an "all-purpose" cleaner is a bit misleading—it isn't the right product for every task around the house....

    15 Top-Rated Cleaning Supplies on Amazon for a Spotless Home

    Scrub, spray and wipe your way to a cleaner home with the best Amazon cleaning supplies.

    This Is How Often You Should REALLY Be Vacuuming

    If you wonder if your lack of love for your vacuum cleaner is damaging your flooring, or jeopardizing your health,...

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    15 Things You Should Never Put Down Your Garbage Disposal

    Avoid these to keep your garbage disposal running smooth and your drains clog-free.

    5 Ways to Keep Your House Clean During a Muddy Spring

    What’s your best keep-clean tip for mud season?

    6 Ways to Upgrade Your DIY All-Purpose Cleaner

    Vinegar is the best natural cleaner out there, but it doesn't smell the greatest. Embrace the aromatic benefits of other...

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    Pool School: Pool Maintenance for Beginners

    By practicing some simple, basic maintenance, you can help maximize the life of your pool—keep it at the center of...

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    5 Crucial Tips for Concrete Care 

    Here are five easy—and relatively inexpensive—ways to keep your concrete as strong as King Kong, according to Acid Magic.

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    8 Common Items That Remove Blood Stains

    Wondering how to remove blood stains? Work as quickly as possible with these household items to save your soiled clothes.

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    This Hack Is the Easiest Way to Get Wax Out of Carpet

    A pro shares his method on how to remove wax

    15 Simple Ways to Clean Your Cleaning Tools

    When not properly cared for, the equipment and appliances we use to clean the house can spread bacteria and germs....

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    34 Spring Cleaning Tips to Make It a Breeze

    Let's just admit to ourselves that spring cleaning is a lot of work, so to make things flow a little...

    The Quickest and Easiest Way to Clean Legos

    Children’s toys are a breeding ground for germs. So learn how to quickly clean your kid's favorite toys.