10 Invasive Plants You Should Get Out of Your Garden Now

Updated Mar. 09, 2024

Keep your guard up. Look out for these weedy pests and make sure they don't get a toehold in your yard.

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poison ivy foliage
Tim Mainiero/Shutterstock

Poison Ivy

Leaflets three, let it be. Good advice for the majority of people who are allergic to these invasive plants. Some harmless plants are mistaken for poison ivy — young box elder seedlings, for instance. But you’ll know for sure if you develop an itchy rash after coming in contact with the sap, which contains urushiol. Poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) and the related poison oak (Toxicodendron diversilobum) spread not only by underground runners but also by seeds dispersed by birds. Treat with an herbicide labeled for poison ivy. Or wear protective clothing and disposable gloves and dig it up by hand, discarding with the trash. See our expert tips for a weed-free yard.

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Sergei Drozd/Shutterstock


Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is an ornamental weed. That’s right, ornamental. But those golden yellow blooms quickly turn to fluffy seed heads that disperse in the wind (or with the breath of a giddy toddler blowing the seeds into the air). Before you know it, you’ve got a field of these invasive plants where once grew a promising lawn. It should be noted that young dandelions (on non-treated lawns only, please) are actually a nutritious addition to spring salads, adding a touch of bitterness for more character. You can remove the plants by hand with a forked dandelion weeder or spot spray with a broadleaf herbicide. Learn more about killing weeds.

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Maria Dryfhout/Shutterstock


Sometimes a “weed” is not necessarily a weed. Such is the case with wild violets (Viola sororia), which are a fine addition to a naturalistic garden. Mass them in woodland and wildflower gardens and enjoy. They even grow contentedly beneath black walnut trees. Although they don’t spread by underground root structures, wild violets do freely self-seed to the point of behaving as invasive plants in the lawn. In that case, remove by hand or spot spray with broadleaf herbicide. Learn this useful hack to get rid of the invasive plants in your yard.

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Creeping Charlie
William Hager/Shutterstock

Creeping Charlie

Creeping Charlie (Glechoma hederacea) makes one heckuva groundcover — thick, tough, adaptable to sun or shade, and it even has violet-purple flowers in late spring. Oh, did we mention vigorous? That’s the problem, really. Creeping Charlie, also known as ground ivy, runs roughshod through the garden, forming a dense mat and smothering other plants. Struggling with this invasive plant? Using these tips might just save the day and help you in getting rid of Creeping Charlie. You can dig it up, but don’t try to compost it because the stem fragments can re-root. You can also treat them with a broadleaf herbicide, but you may need to make several applications over the course of several weeks. Mulching garden beds is also a good solution. Learn how to use mulch to control weeds.

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If you search for “plantain weed,” you’ll quickly discover that this common garden weed is actually a medicinal herb, used for everything from treating acne to taming gastrointestinal distress. It often shows up in neglected lawns, usually in shady, moist areas. The good news is, plantain (Plantago major) is easy to dig up with a trowel or dandelion weeder.  See our ultimate guide to a weed-free landscape.

Tip: It’s easiest to pull weeds when the soil is moist.

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Christian Delbert/Shutterstock


Crabgrass (Digitaria spp.) is another invasive plant that’s easy to remove by hand. Trouble is, if it gets established in your lawn, that could mean a lot of hand-weeding. Crabgrass is most noticeable in the heat of summer, as it remains green and vibrant-looking even in drought. Unfortunately, that just makes a drought-stressed lawn look worse. You can treat with a pre-emergent herbicide in spring, or spot-treat with a nonselective herbicide during the growing season, being careful not to hurt surrounding grass. Always apply on a calm day.

Don’t like chemicals? Here are some natural ways to get rid of weeds.

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Common Purslane
Volodymyr Nikitenko/Shutterstock

Common Purslane

Common purslane (Portulaca oleracia) is a broadleaf annual with fleshy, succulent leaves that give it extra protection in hot, sunny conditions. Common purslane sneers at dry weather, so it does what nature intended it to do: cover bare earth needing protection. Unlike its ornamental cousin, common purslane’s flowers are too small to make much impact, so gardeners are quick to remove it. You can hand-pull plants or keep beds mulched. In the lawn, treat with a pre-emergent herbicide in spring or a broadleaf herbicide during the growing season. Check out these 10 drought-tolerant landscaping ideas.

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Smartweed (Polygonum spp.) grows more than three feet tall so it’s not apt to be overlooked in the garden. The modest pink or white flowers are not showy enough to warrant a place in most gardens, so remove by hand or treat with a post-emergent herbicide. One thing to note: smartweed does have wildlife value — songbirds eat its seeds.

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Field Bindweed
Bildagentur Zoonar GmbH/Shutterstock

Field Bindweed

The weedy relative of morning glory, field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis) is a climbing or creeping perennial that reproduces through seeds and roots. Seeds can remain viable in the soil for 20 years. And even a small fragment of root can result in a new plant, so hand-pulling is not an option for these invasive plants unless you do it repeatedly until the remaining roots use up their reserves. Treat existing plants with a post-emergent herbicide. Prevent seeds from germinating with a mulch or a pre-emergent herbicide. Plant one of these colorful flowers instead to brighten up your landscape.

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Lamb's Quarters
Anna Gratys/Shutterstock

Lamb’s Quarters

Young lamb’s quarters leaves are sometimes added to salads or soups, so a chef might object to the word “weed.” However, there is little ornamental value to these plants, so those with strictly ornamental gardens need not put up with them. Lamb’s quarters (Chenopodium album) are exceedingly easy to remove by hand when young. Just grasp the stem close to the ground and pull upwards. If you wait until they’re four feet tall, however, a shovel may be needed.