
Refrigerator styles, parts and repair – here’s everything you need to know to keep your fridge cool and functional.

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10 Things You Don’t Have to Refrigerate

Have you ever opened your refrigerator and realized that you couldn't find what you were looking for because it was overflowing with miscellaneous items? If so, you're in good company. The majority of households pack items into the fridge that simply don't need to be there.

Here's a list of 10 items you don't need to refrigerate, but are probably taking up room in your fridge right now.

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10 Cool Tips for a Garage Refrigerator or Freezer

If you've ever wanted the convenience of a garage or outdoor fridge, here's what you need to know! Find out...

Best Outdoor Beer Kegerators for Home Enjoyment

When you can't meet up with friends at the bar, bring the bar to your backyard with an outdoor kegerator.

Is Your Freezer Set to the Right Temperature?

Love to store make-ahead meals in your freezer? Be sure that your food stays fresh by finding the right average...

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A Homeowner’s Guide to Counter-Depth Refrigerators

Counter-depth refrigerators continue to grow in popularity. Find out what they are, how much they cost and whether one would...

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How Long Do Different Meats Last in the Fridge?

Food storage brings up a lot of questions and concerns, especially when it involves meat products. Here are the guidelines...

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How to Repair a Refrigerator

Fix the most common fridge problems yourself — and save the expense of a service call!

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Best Smart Refrigerators for 2024

If you're ready to purchase a smart refrigerator, here are some points to consider, along with a look at the...

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How to Avoid Refrigerator Repairs

These six maintenance steps will prevent most refrigerator breakdowns.

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Refrigerator Maintenance: Refrigerator Compressor Repair

Simple fixes can save big bucks, especially with a compressor repair

How to Install a Refrigerator Water Filter

Quick-connect fittings make installation and maintenance easy.

How to Install Refrigerator Plumbing

Here's how to run a water line to your refrigerator's icemaker.

The 8 Best Beer Fridges for Your Garage or Man Cave

The best beer fridges are a lot more than just mini fridges you store brewskis in. We found the top...

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The 14 Best Fixes For Annoying Sights in Your Home

After you've walked past those annoying sights in your home often enough, they become your new "normal." But you can...

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Refrigerator Not Cooling: How to Fix Refrigerator Problems

Refrigerator not cooling? Here's how to fix a refrigeration and some refrigerator troubleshooting

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3 Tips on Refrigerator Gasket Replacement

Install a new refrigerator door gasket.

How to Reverse a Refrigerator Door

Swap your refrigerator door handles in minutes.

How to Fix a Leaky Refrigerator Water Dispenser

There’s a reason for mystery puddles under the fridge; fortunately the fix is easy.

How to Paint Plastic Appliance Handles

Give old, yellowed handles a fresh, new look

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How to Double Your Battery Life

Here's a tip for making lithium tool batteries last twice as long. Most kits come with two batteries. Take one...

How to Clean Under Your Fridge

Clean the dust, hair, lint, cat toys and trinkets out from under your refrigerator.

What to Look for in a New Fridge: Refrigerator Buying Guide

Replacing a refrigerator? Read this first.

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How to Adjust Refrigerator Doors

This simple repair takes only a minute

How I Saved Money This Month: Cleaning Refrigerator Coils

The smartest thing you can do for your fridge is to keep the coils clean. It cuts electricity bills and...