HH Vegetable oil sticker residue How to Get Sticker Residue Off With Vegetable Oil Hack

How to Get Sticker Residue Off With Vegetable Oil Hack

Reach for cooking oil next time you want to remove annoying sticker residue or to remove duct tape residue.

Dab any type of kitchen cooking oil—olive, canola or sunflower—onto a paper towel. Then lay the paper towel over the residue that refuses to budge. Wait a few minutes while the oil works to dissolve the stubborn glue. Finally, remove the towel and rub away the sticker residue with another clean paper towel.

A degree of caution is necessary when using this cooking oil method. This is because many oils can stain absorbent materials like clothing. If you are concerned about leaving a stain, test a drop of your chosen oil on an inconspicuous part of the object. And proceed only if the oil leaves no trace to remove glue residue.

Dealing with other types of stains? We have solutions for you!

Sticker residue HH cooking oil remover How to Get Sticker Residue Off With Vegetable Oil Hack