From time to time, vehicles can experience issues leading to recalls. Some car brands happen to issue more recalls than others. In fact, it wasn’t too long ago that Hyundai recalled thousands of Sedans and SUVs. Now, another auto company is recalling a handful of their vehicles due to safety issues. More specifically, General Motors (GM).

According to a Safety Recall Report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, General Motors is recalling almost one million vehicles due to airbag inflators potentially exploding while in use. If you own a vehicle from GM, here are the essential details you need to know about.

Which GM Vehicles Have Been Recalled?

An aerial view of new cars at a parking lot in China due to the Chip ShortageFuture Publishing/Getty Images

GM has recalled 994,763 vehicles with model years 2014 to 2017 that might maintain airbag parts made by ARC Automotive. The recalled vehicles are the following:

  • 244,304 Buick Enclaves
  • 457,316 Chevrolet Traverses
  • 293,143 GMC Acadias

Why Did GM Recall the Vehicles?

The vehicles have been recalled due to airbag inflator issues. Because of a manufacturing defect, the front driver’s airbag inflator can explode during deployment. As a result, metal fragments can move through the airbag to the inside of vehicles, which puts drivers and passengers at risk of injury or death.

Initially, GM received a notification of an alleged rupture of a front-driver airbag inflator in a 2017 Chevrolet Traverse following a car crash in March of 2023. From there, both GM and the NHTSA inspected the car and verified the report. Previously, GM had been made aware of two other incidents of airbag inflator ruptures within 2015 Chevrolet Traverses.

However, GM clarifies that the cause of these airbag inflator ruptures “remains unknown.” An independent third-party engineering firm has been investigating what exactly causes the rupturing incidents. Thus, GM has issued the recall to vehicles that potentially have an affected airbag inflator “out of an abundance of caution.”

How Do I Know If My Vehicle Has Been Recalled?

Chevy Traverse sits in the shop for service on a recall repairJohn Gress/Getty Images
Chevy Traverse sits in the shop for service on a recall repair at Raymond Chevrolet in Antioch, Illinois, July 17, 2014. (Photo by John Gress/Corbis via Getty Images)

Beginning June 25, notification letters will be sent out to owners of affected vehicles.

What Should I Do If I Have a Recalled Vehicle?

As of now, there is no exact remedy that is available for owners. However, GM is providing some solace. Car dealers will replace front-driver airbag modules for free. Once a particular remedy is available, GM will send a follow-up letter to notify owners of what steps they can additionally take.