Smart Home

Everything you need to know about the world of smart home automation and home technology.

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    Expert Tips for an Easy Faucet Installation

    We caught up with Joe Barnes, a second-generation master plumber with more than 30 years of experience, to tackle...

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    Best Smart Refrigerators for 2024

    If you're ready to purchase a smart refrigerator, here are some points to consider, along with a look at the...

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    Ceiling Fan Buying Guide

    Keep a cool head with these tips for selecting and buying ceiling fans.

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    What to Know About Smart Sprinklers

    Save money and water with a sprinkler controller that connects with an app or smart assistant.

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    Why Isn’t My Central Air Conditioner Blowing Cold Air?

    Has your central AC stopped blowing cold air? Here are some simple troubleshooting steps to take before you make a...

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    Why Won’t My Window AC Unit Turn On?

    Window air conditioners are rather simple appliances that cool you off. If yours isn't working, there is usually an easy...

    The Best Smart Home Devices of 2024

    Tech experts dish on 12 genius products that might just change your life. They're easy to set up, too. If...

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    Why Isn’t My Window Air Conditioner Blowing Cold Air?

    Window AC not blowing cold air? Here are some simple steps to troubleshoot the issue, and possibly get up and...

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    Which Way Should a Ceiling Fan Spin?

    Help your home stay cool in summer or warm in winter just by flipping a switch.

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    A Homeowner’s Guide to Choosing the Right AC Unit

    If you're thinking about investing in a home air conditioning system, here's an overview of the most popular options on...

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    The Homeowner’s Guide to Central Air Conditioning

    A central air conditioner can make a home comfortable in almost any climate, no matter how hot and muggy it...

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    Here’s Why Old Houses Have a Random Toilet in the Basement

    Standalone toilets in the basement are an outdated concept. Why were they necessary in the first place?

    Weird Smart Home Gadgets You Didn’t Know Existed

    As smart homes become more and more of a trend, an increasing number of strange smart gadgets are popping up...

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    Avoid These Common HVAC Mistakes

    HVAC systems are more efficient than they used to be, but these common HVAC mistakes can quickly erase any gains...

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    How to Install a Ductless Mini Split Air Conditioner

    Installing cooling is surprisingly easy with a mini-split system. Here, we'll show you how to do it yourself.

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    What to Know About Smart Locks

    These locks can be controlled remotely and have many useful features.

    How to Clean an Air Conditioner Window Unit

    A simple cleaning is all it takes to keep your room air conditioner humming.

    How to Extend the Life of Your AC Unit

    Keep doing this, and your air conditioner will be around for a LONG time. You can easily extend its life...

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    What to Know About Movement Sensor Air Conditioning Technology

    In the world of home heating and air conditioning, movement sensor technology and smart thermostats offer more options for keeping...

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    Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Use Your Car Air Conditioner

    Even if your vehicle is sweltering hot in the summertime, you may want to reconsider turning on your car air...

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    What to Know About the Nest Thermostat

    The Nest Thermostat can help save money on heating and cooling costs while keeping your home cozy.

    This Crazy Fan Will Keep Your House Cool All Summer Long

    It will cost you a fraction of what your air conditioner is costing you!

    Here’s Why Your Window AC Unit is Better Than a Portable One

    Stay cool this summer with a window AC unit that isn't bulky, loud or an energy guzzler.

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    How to Add and Wire an Electrical Outlet

    Use this easy method to install a new electrical outlet without a lot of wire pulling.

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    How to Change a Light Fixture

    Replace a light fixture without the hassle with these electrical tips from veteran pros.

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    What’s Changing in Home Air Conditioning

    Learn how the next wave of innovative air conditioning will provide savings and increased efficiency for your HVAC system.

    How To Wire a 3-Way Light Switch

    Stop walking across a dark room to turn on the light. Install a 3-way switch and control lights from two...

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    Troubleshooting Dead Outlets and What to Do When GFCI Won’t Reset

    Try these electrical tests before calling an electrician.

    6 Best Methods for Home Air Cooling

    Six strategies for keeping your home cool no matter what kind of climate you live in.